QCEW Employees
A form of the BLS QCEW dataset that has been modified slightly by Emsi. Suppressions have been removed, public sector employment has been reorganized, and county and NAICS changes have been modified in past years for consistency. This dataset is designed to match QCEW in almost all cases, and should be used by clients who wish to match official sources.

Non-QCEW Employees
Attempts to cover jobs which fall under an employer-employee relationship but are not covered by QCEW. The major types of employment covered in this set include military jobs, railroad jobs, many nonprofit and religious workers, certain salespersons, miscellaneous Federal Government and some other government workers.

Covers people who, when responding to Census surveys, consider self-employment to be a significant part of their income or time spent working. Most people normally considered “self-employed” would fall into this category.

Defining STEM Employment
There are many definitions of STEM occupations — often different from state to state. Here we used the definition developed by Praxis Strategy Group.

The definition consists of eight high-level categories:

  • Computer specialists
  • Mathematical science occupations
  • Engineers
  • Drafters, engineering, and mapping technicians
  • Life scientists
  • Physical scientists
  • Social scientists and related occupations
  • Life, physical, and social science technicians

Praxis includes technicians jobs that typically require two-year degrees because they are often overlooked in the STEM conversation.

QCEW Information
U.S. Census Bureau (Race vs Ethinicity)
Praxis Strategy Group

Sector Growth
Sector growth is defined here by the number of new jobs created. The number below each icon is the projected number of new jobs that will be added to that sector.

The bar chart on the right displays the top three sectors with the highest number of jobs for the current year.

Regional Trends
Trend data comparing national and regional percent changes over the years with projections.

Dashboard Filters

This report is only available at
the state level.

County level is not available.

NOTE: Only occupations aligned at the community college (UHCC) level are listed below.

Report Options:
EMPLOYMENT GROWTH (2024 - 2028 Projected)
Average Number of New Openings (2024 - 2028 Projected) Gap Analysis 2024
Compiling Data...